Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:13:41 +0000 Comments to “Installing OCaml Batteries” Paolo Donadeo's personal Internet site and blog (Paolo Donadeo) By: Matías Giovannini Sun, 19 Dec 2010 14:03:14 +0000 Matías Giovannini <div><p>Paolo, good tutorial. For the record, this won't work for a MINGW-based port of OCaml, only for the Cygwin-based port. In particular, all paths must be specified in DOS format since under MINGW OCaml doesn't use cygpath. For Camomile, use:</p><p>./configure --datadir="c:/cygwin/usr/local/share"</p><p>(adjust to your environment; make sure it is a full path). It pays to check in the top level that Findlib correctly loads everything:</p><p>#require "camomile" ;;</p><p>should <strong>not</strong> fail with "Not_found"! I also had to correct Findlib's META file for Camlp4. Strangely enough, it doesn't specify Camlp4's library directory. Line 5 in sitelib/camlp4/META must read:</p><p>directory = "^camlp4"</p><p>Why does it work from the toplevel but not when invoking ocamlfind, I don't know. Also, building docs fails because of an incorrectly read symlink to somewhere that I couldn't determine exactly it should be.</p><p>In any case, I've got batteries, thanks to these instructions. Good work!</p></div> By: Matías Giovannini Sun, 19 Dec 2010 14:26:44 +0000 Matías Giovannini <div><p>Ah, yes, about building docs for MINGW-OCaml: Replace the symlink "batteries.odocl" with a copy of "src/batteries.mllib":</p><p> mv batteries.odocl batteries.odocl.NO && cp src/batteries.mllib ./batteries.odocl</p><p>Then, edit Makefile so that line 10 reads:</p><p>DOCROOT ?= c:/cygwin/usr/share/doc/ocaml-batteries</p><p>Voilà!</p></div> By: Paolo Donadeo Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:18:50 +0000 Paolo Donadeo <div><p>Matías, I'm aware of the difficulties of building and running Batteries in a Windows native environment. My initial intent was to describe how to install everything using MSVC, which is in my opinion the natural way, but I was compelled to fall back on Cygwin, which I don't really like.</p><p>The problem here is not Batteries, but OCaml itself. I don't see much interest in supporting the Microsoft architecture and it's a PITA because, whether one likes it or not, it's the mainstream operating system and cannot be ignored. All the more so because Microsoft is member of the OCaml Consortium…</p><p>Confront this situation with Python: installing Python is a matter of seconds under Windows, you go on the Python site, download the installer, "click, click, click" <em>et voilà</em> you can start experimenting.</p><p>Python is a very widespread language, but even PLT Scheme (now Racket) has such an installer, and a very nice graphic REPL.</p></div> By: Johannes Engels Thu, 02 Jun 2011 19:47:14 +0000 Johannes Engels <div><p>Thank you very much for this blog! After much straying around in the internet your article finally helped me to run batteries.</p></div> By: bob Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:13:41 +0000 bob <div><p>make one about how to install ocsigen from scratch please</p></div>